Food Storage Feast

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Stoves and more for grid-down cooking

With your storage food socked away in a dry, cool place, and dozens of different recipes under your belt, are you really prepared for an emergency? As I pointed out early on in the course, one of the most common scenarios you’re likely to face is a short-term power outage. And it’s a game-changer for cooking.

The market is flooded with all manner of ingeniously-designed outdoor stoves, for camping, disaster preparedness, and everything in between. The DIY space is pretty well saturated, too, from the quickie alcohol stoves made from a soda can, to rocket stove designs galore to fit any budget, and as big and elaborate as you can dream.

Just as your storage food and recipes need to be tried and tested before the storm hits, so should your cooking technology. I’ve tried and tested a whole lot of it, and here’s what I found: